On the left side of the menu on your account, there is a tab called 'my info' where you can navigate to resume and individually input your credits. Once you click on 'resume' you can input credits line by line. Please be sure to click the '+' sign to save your information.
Please see the help video below:
In addition, you can add specific media to your resume credit lines. We recommend uploading any and all media to your media section first. Once uploaded, you will be able to choose your media when adding a credit line.
Please see video here on how to add media to a resume credit line:
If you don't see a category listed, there is a button on the top right to add more resume categories as well as the ability to 'hide years'.
You also have the ability to rearrange entire sections and by individual credit.
We’ve created inputting credits this way to streamline resume searches on the casting side.