Our system will always have a free plan for our members. Any and all media added to your account prior to May 31st, 2024 will stay grandfathered in and live on in your account. This means that if you have added any media (photos, videos, audio) to your account, it will stay attached regardless of your membership type after May 31st, 2024.

If after May 31st, 2024 you decide to add more media content, you will be required to upgrade to our premium plan of $12/month which will include uploading unlimited content to your account. If you plan to pay for our premium account annually, our plan starts at $100/year for a limited time in 2024 and then will become $120/year thereafter. 

We recommend all talent upload their media content now to take advantage of this special offer. 

*Please note that if you choose to stay on the free plan and you are non-represented, there will be a $20 annual fee applied. This does not apply to those who have representation and choose the free plan.*